So.....I made oatmeal pancakes for the first time today (and I also tried them for the first time) and they tasted really, REALLY good! You see, ever since I was a kid, I have pretty much hated oatmeal and, well, I tried some oatmeal again a few days ago and I still hated it. Fortunately, I made a very, very little bowl of it so I didn't feel too bad about tossing it in the bin after having less than a teaspoon of it. So, yeah, I was slightly sceptical about trying oatmeal pancakes, but I still gave it a shot (using a little bowl to make the batter so I don't waste tonnes of food if I don't like it).
After making my batter, without following a recipe, I made one oatmeal pancake, tasted it, and then I like totally scoffed it down. Like I don't scoff anything down like that apart from fruits. And I scoffed it down using my fingers. And I don't scoff anything down using my fingers apart from ripe persimmons. So, yeah, it was that good.
Anyways, here's my recipe!
8 tbsp Oatmeal (I used Simple.... Porridge Oatmeal (Not quite sure where it was bought))
1.5 tbsp Plain Flour
Hot water
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sunflower Oil
- In a bowl, pour out your oatmeal then add about 4 tablespoons of almost-boiling water to it and mix it up thoroughly to soften the oatmeal (add a little more water if desired).
- Add the flour to the oatmeal in the bowl following by a splash of milk and combine the ingredients using a fork, adding more milk (and a pinch of oatmeal once or twice during the process (no hot water added to soften this addition)) and mixing till you have reached your desired consistency (which shouldn't be too light or as light as the mixture for regular pancakes).
- Add about a tablespoon of sugar to your mixture followed by 1/5 of a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Mix the ingredients in thoroughly.
- In a hot pan, pour in no more than a teaspoon of sunflower oil (I used less than this because my pan was already hot from making regular pancakes), move the pan around to spread out the oil and then pour in your desired amount of oatmeal (I don't really like my pancakes thick like most oatmeal pancakes are so, I don't add that much "batter" at a time to my pan) moving the pan around to get it to your desired shape.
- Within seconds, the side of the mixture touching the pan will be brown/golden and that means that it's time to flip the pancakes! Please use a spatula thingy (very kitchen-y, technical term, aye?) and don't try to flip these pancakes by just giving the pan a jolt or whatever and please be patient. The new side facing the pan will not get as brown before the pancakes are done.
Bon appétit!
(I hope this tastes as good as the pancakes I made because I pretty much eyeballed the ingredients when I made it and I'm hoping that the measurements I think my eyeballing was equivalent to are right)
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