Monday, June 30, 2014

Spicy Rice

This recipe is practically the same as my amazing fusilli recipe. If you haven't read that recipe yet, read it before you read this one, okay? :)

Long grain rice
1 Shallot
4-5 tablespoons of Dolmio ("spicy") pasta sauce (depending on how much pasta you're making)
African Yellow Pepper/Cameroon Pepper/Any really hot pepper you can get your hands on
1 Egg
Sunflower Oil


  • Pour as much rice as need into a pot, boil some water, pour it over the rice, turn the heat under the pot to max. and cook the rice for about 10 minutes (or until it's done)
  • While the rice is cooking, cut up (could be in a regular or irregular shape) one shallot
  • In a frying pan, pour in about a tablespoon to a tablespoon and a half of sunflower oil and before it gets hot, pour in the cut up shallots and a dash of salt (this will not only get the shallots cooked, but also infuse the oil with the taste of the shallots).
  • When the shallots have softened (and before they start browning), pour in the few table spoons of Dolmio sauce, stir everything in the pan together well.
  • Add as much of the hot pepper you can get your hands on to the contents of the pan (I love my food spicy so I add A LOT)
  • Fry everything for about 30 seconds stirring continuously
  • Pour the rice into the frying pan.
  • Stir and turn over the contents of the pan till the colour of every rice grain has changed to at least a faint one of that of the pasta sauce and let the everything cook a little (you can add a little more oil here if you think it's needed)
  • I would usually add some more pepper here, but you don't have to.
  • Next, crack and egg and beat it in a cup or bowl, pour it into the frying pan and stir and turn over the contents of the frying pan to coat the rice with the egg.
  • Let everything sit in the pan stirring occasionally until the egg is not visibly raw anymore before turning off the heat.
  • Get a bowl, dish some rice into it.
  • Get more bowls, be nice and share your rice with friends. Who knows? They might start paying  for you to make it every day.

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